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I’ve been in tech for 17 years.

Here’s highlights of what it looked like:

2007-2013: Played around with VB6. Assembly. C++ DarkGDK. Photoshop. Maya and 3DsMax.

Out of curiosity and personal interest I Built 3D mini games and a patient records system for my dad ( ophthalmologist )

2013-2016: Studied Computer Engineering in university. Played with C. Java. Perl. Linux. MySQL. Arduino. PIC Assembly.

2017: Took a Software Engineering Bootcamp. Played with Linux. Apache. MySQL. PHP. Laravel. Ionic.

2018-2021: First Job as a Back-end Engineer. I worked with Spring boot Java. PostgreSQL. Apache Camel. Linux. In the aviation industry working with airports like DXB, AUH, SHJ, and others…

Most professional growth was during these three years

2021-2022: Took 1 year break

I dove deep into Marketing. Taking free and paid courses. Joining communities. Got some revenue from drop-shipping (first online $$)

Did more freelancing

Mindset shift from pure engineering to let’s get closer to the money

2022-2023: Took a Senior Software Engineer Job

I needed to validate my technical and interpersonal skills in a company ( to see if I still got it) and I did

Worked for 9 months

2023-2024 (now):

Contractor. Mentor. And Freelancer.